SMAG’s new solutions: 100% Cloud & Mobile

SMAG unveiled its new offer during a press conference last Thursday, November 29, one which is unique on the agricultural software market, designed for all participants in agri-food and agricultural production (farmers, advisers, ETA, cooperatives and traders, suppliers and other stakeholders in the sector)
The AGROptimization System, a driver of innovation serving the digital transformation of the agricultural world
In a global context of investment in agricultural data, SMAG is clarifying its strategic position by developing the Cloud and mobility as drivers for agricultural innovation. With its new AGROptimization System offer, SMAG is enhancing the operational dimension of solutions for farmers and agricultural organisations by allowing them to optimise the use of collected data. This offer will ensure and facilitate data acquisition and sharing in a more relevant way, based in particular on the following aspects:
- 100% Mobile access to SMAG’s solutions,
- Simplified input for all users,
- Complete traceability of cultivation operations,
- Operational data exploitation (decision support, anticipation, forecasting, prediction)
- Data protection and security through the implementation of best IT practices
SMAG is the only French publisher to date offering such a valuable and open architecture of products and services to the entire profession.
This new offer comes one year after the publication of Big AGRO Data , which set out the key principles for the implementation and use of agricultural data. It represents a genuine advance in the operational exploitation of data, one that will generate new levers of economic, human and socioenvironmental performance for the profession’s stakeholders.
As pointed out by Didier Robert, Managing Director of SMAG, the AGROptimization System is a unique environment of operational digital solutions for helping farmers and agricultural organisations achieve profitable and sustainable agriculture. It also offers all the guarantees of transparency and security that make SMAG an innovative software publisher, fully focused on the performance, profitability and sustainability of French operations. .
Testing is to start by end of 2018, and offers will be launched progressively throughout 2019. The first release, the Smag Farmer mobile application, will be available at the upcoming SIMA exhibition (2428 February, 2019).
The three main components of the AGROptimization System
1 – SMAG Solutions
Smag Solutions, which bring together new business tools dedicated to farmers and consulting experts for the optimisation of practices and the management of agricultural consulting
Smag Farmer
The farmer’s daily tool (plots, traceability, weather, product inventory, observations) 
With free access to basic features, the mobile version will offer two additional features (Regulatory management / Financial steering of the farm) under a paid subscription.
Includes a web solution for PC and a mobile application that can be downloaded free of charge on iOS and Android stores
Availability: 1st Quarter 2019
Smag Planner
PC solution dedicated to consultants for providing off-season advice
It will enable consultants, when visiting the farmer’s premises, to establish a complete diagnosis of the past season (yields, impacts of cultivation practices on the plots) and to propose a complete and targeted programme of appropriate recommendations.
Tablet PC solution
Windows compatible
Smag Expert, The consultant’s app for making observations and recommendations during crop tours.
With Smag Expert, the consultant notes field observations (general condition of crops, density, rooting, presence of diseases or pests, etc.) directly into a smartphone. The consultant then transmits recommendations to the operator by SMS or email.
Free downloadable application on iOS and Android stores
Availability: 2nd Half 2019
2 –
A solution for consultation and exploitation of agricultural data by and for agricultural organisations (cooperatives, traders, consulting agencies).
The Smag DataLabs offer provides access to statistics and management indicators allowing organisations to visualise the economic, agronomic and environmental performance of their operations and administration in dashboard format . This solution will support decision-making both in the short-term and throughout the crop year, allowing organisations to optimise farmer practices.
What is the annual yield of a wheat plot based on my farming practices? Which machine was most used to do the ploughing? What are the most effective cropping paths? Which input use is the most profitable on the territory? etc…. Many questions will find their answer thanks to Smag DataLabs!
3 –
Smag Link is a set of APIs (plot data, event histories) and business reference systems (plant protection, crop fertilisation, varieties, etc.) offered by SMAG for facilitating access and data sharing between professionals.
These services are made available to SMAG’s customers or technical partners (API-AGRO, ACTA Agricultural Technical Institutes, etc.) for integrating data into operational tools and accelerating their own innovative digital projects in a manner consistent with IT security rules and information sharing consent.